dimarts, 3 de juliol del 2007

About blogs and digital boards

The importance of having a blog lies in the fact that everybody can see, read and, to sum up, take part in the activities I propose. When used along with a digital projector and a digital board it becomes a fantastic tool for classroom use, as it will make classes more fast-moving and, no doubt, will draw the students' attention in such a way that the teacher's work will become easier as practically no time will be wasted on making the class silent.

In addition to all this, the usage of digital boards implies not using so much paper as we had before, and classes will therefore become much more ecological.

All in all, plenty of advantages from all points of view .

Restaurant Vocabulary

Exercises on passive

Transform the following sentences into passive constructions.

a- They gave my sister a sample magazine yesterday afternoon.
b- Amblin Entertainment will produce Michael's new film.
c- People rumour that the Prime Minister is behind the whole affair.
d- Nepalese call Mount Everest Sagarmatha.
e- Tenzing Norgay was the first man to climb Mount Everest.
f- Special police units are searching the airport.
g- Sean had paid the restaurant bill before anyone else could react.
h- I cut my hair last Monday.
i- Some crew men helped the oceanographer into the minisub.
j- Somebody robbed Martin's house last week.

dilluns, 2 de juliol del 2007


Hi everybody,

Those who don't know me yet are strongly recomended to have a look at my profile. I'll only add that I have 25 years' teaching experience .

For those who know me, I could just say that this is something intended for making classes a bit more entertaining, interesting, modern or any other adjective you may wish to use. I don't care. But the truth is that my intention is to make you work hard from the very begining -this is why this first article is written in English.
Therefore don't expect much personal info or any other parafernalia whatsoever -I leave this for face-to-face conversations in the school playground- instead you will find useful links intended to supply you with exercises and other materials which may help you through your stay in the batxillerat.
Anyway, be welcome to this blog, try to enjoy it and, above all, use it for your own benefit

